SSF Ingenieure AG
Beratende Ingenieure im Bauwesen
Domagkstraße 1a
D – 80807 München
Phone +49 (0)89. 3 60 40 – 0
Fax +49 (0)89. 3 60 40 – 100
“Everything starts with dialogue”
Stadsbrug-Nijmegen Thea van den Heuvel Fotografie
Modern architecture requires engineering skills, as the portfolio of the Munich practice SSF Ingenieure attests. Although, 40 years ago, the company’s founders regarded themselves purely as designers of supporting structures for bridges, their constantly growing portfolio demonstrates that they are also specialists in complex traffic and high-rise projects. As general planners, the company also handles
large urban development and infrastructural building projects throughout the entire world. With its 240 staff, the company founded in 1971 handle not only traffic hubs, airports and tunnels, but also conference venues, power stations, disposal plants and special architecture. A
special challenge was the Baku Crystal Hall, which was designed and built within just a short period of time for the occasion of the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest being held in the capital of Azerbaijan.
As well as planning the supporting structure for the stands and roofing, SSF Ingenieure were also responsible for the foundations and steel structure. As opposed to comparable buildings, the hall was not constructed using the reinforced concrete method, but as a pure steel construction, using prefabricated components.
Baku Crystal Hall, Baku, Azerbaijan
Baku Crystal Hall, Eurovision Song Contest 2012, Baku, Aserbaidschan Nüssli International AG
The 13,500m² building, designed by the German architectural firm Gerkan Marg und Partner (gmp), offers space for 25,000 visitors, and is equally suited to host sporting events as it is to large cultural events. Thanks to its crystalline form and unusual location on a small peninsula in the Caspian Sea, the hall counts today as a modern landmark of Baku.
CLIENT: Republic of Azerbaijan State Committee
LOCATION, COUNTRY: Baku, Azerbaijan
COMPLETED: 2011–2012
GFA: 31,000m²
SERVICES: Support structure planning for the stands and roofing; foundations, steel structure. Coordination of interfaces, examination of workshop plans