Eller + Eller Architekten
Augustastraße 30
D – 40477 Düsseldorf
Phone +49 (0) 211. 43 52 – 0
Fax +49 (0) 211. 43 52 – 203
“For 50 years now, we have been engaged with the effectiveness of architecture and the opportunities it presents to advance society.”
The Eller + Eller practice, founded in 1964, designs spaces and buildings in which people’s aspirations are the central focus. The aim of the dedicated, future-orientated team, with offices in Dusseldorf, Berlin and Moscow, is to create vibrant, efficient buildings that are characterised by high levels of responsibility: both socially and from an architectural-cultural perspective.
Headquarters BASF, Ludwigshafen Eller + Eller Architekten
Eller + Eller’s range of services encompasses building projects of all sizes and types: urban masterplans and complex structural contexts, but also single structures and interior design. Eller therefore see themselves as having a duty of responsibility towards the client and to society, which spans from the very first drafts, elaborate technical and design details through turn-key management and development of complex, large-scale projects.
FGS Campus – Flick Gocke Schaumburg, Bonn, Germany
The design for a new headquarters for the auditing company Flick Gocke Schaumburg in Bonn follows the priorities of a contemporary working environment: Flexibility, communication and focus. For the company’s 750 employees, we developed a building that combines the openness of a campus with efficient spatial organisation and a design that helps build up identity. The communicative areas, comprising meeting rooms, library, exhibition area and a fitness centre and cafe are found in the ground floor, while the upper storeys are used as flexibly dimensioned office space. The four-winged structure, with its trapezoidal floor plan, forms a light, open atrium, which provides atmospheric advantages that benefit the four inward-projecting transparent office sections. But the building’s inner transparency also provides a valuable urban planning benefit: its transparent, dynamic facade brings light and movement to the streetscape.
CLIENT: Flick Gocke Schaumburg, Bonn, Germany
COMPLETED: 2012–2016
GFA: 22,700 m2²