4cubes, High-rise residential building, N3 Koncar, Split, CroatiaEike Becker_Architekten
Protecting the climate and Earth’s natural resources is a task for the whole of society, and so also urban developers and architects. In this context, the use of intelligent technologies plays an especially important role: Whether air conditioning, heating, building technology or thermal insulation – the complex interaction of the various energy-related factors must be taken into account in every single planning process.

Masterplan Harbourcity, Volgograd, Russia Eller + Eller Architekten
Because with modern housing technology, it is possible to optimise and reduce the building’s energy consumption in a sustainable manner. At the same time, innovative building automation systems provide the opportunity to more strongly integrate the architecture with its respective users and their respective needs.

LVM 5HPP Hentrich-Petschnigg & Partner GmbH + Co. KGKG Kammergericht., Photo: HG Esch
However, the sparing and far-sighted use of energy, ie our planet’s finite resources, does not just begin when a building is put into operation. Even at the planning stage, lifecycle costs must be taken into consideration, as must the question of using materials that can be reutilised or recycled as far as possible. Good architecture is more than just the intelligent selection of the right technologies and long-lasting building materials. It integrates the technical and material structures into a design that satisfies the classical architectural criteria: Firmitas, utilitas, venustas – Strength, utility and beauty.