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“think ahead.” means to think outside the box and to develop visions for tomorrow – in cooperation with clients and an interdisciplinary team.“ AS+P Albert Speer + Partner GmbH
Fraport AG Headquarters, Frankfurt / Main Airport AS&P – Albert Speer & Partner GmbH, Foto: Uwe Dettmar
AS+P Albert Speer + Partner GmbH draws upon more than 50 years of world-wide planning and building expertise. Thanks to its pioneering ideas, plans and projects, the office can be regarded as being one of the most innovative planning offices in operation today.
The comprehensive, multifaceted portfolio shows that AS+P professionals are generalists but with specialist knowledge in virtually all planning disciplines.
Criminal Court Complex, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia AS&P – Albert Speer & Partner GmbH, Photo: ADA – Arriyadh Development Authority
AS+P´s projects range from building construction, urban planning, urban and regional development to open space planning, leisure and tourism planning, conceptual transport planning and project management, right up to planning-specific preparation of major events and expert opinions for policy advising. The architectural and planning office currently employs around 200 professionals.
Criminal Court Complex, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia AS&P – Albert Speer & Partner GmbH, Photo: ADA – Arriyadh Development Authority
AS+P regards its international involvement as being not just a chance to export German knowhow, but also to use the experience ccumulated in foreign countries as a resource from which projects at other locations can profit.
Action Area Master Plan for Transit Oriented Development, Action Area Plan for Transit-Oriented Development, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Action Area Master Plan for Transit Oriented Development (T.O.D.), Riyadh, Saudi ArabiaAS&P – Albert Speer & Partner GmbH, visualisation : Peter Tjie, emptyform
AS+P plays a considerable role in the comprehensive urban restructuring and modernisation of the Saudi Arabi- an capital Riyadh, providing numerous concepts. The planned public transport system is intended to take the metrop- olis’s traffic and urban development to a new infrastructural level. In order to present an alternative to car transport, currently the dominant mode of trans- port, it is not only necessary to provide an efficient system of buses and trains, but also a qualitatively upgraded urban space, which is welcoming and provides a high quality of life.
For the existing sensitive urban fabric of Riyadh’s histor- ic center, AS+P presented a strategy, the Action Area Plan for Transit-Orien- ted Development (T.O.D.): Its aim was not only the optimisation and integration of transport routes and modes of transport in a way compatible with the urban environment, but also to take into account the cultural and histori- cal importance of the old city centre.
Based on the vision of a Capital Oasis, over the next 25 years Riyadh’s centre will ripen into an open, varied place, comprising architectural treasures, representative squares and buildings plus a network of differentiated roads and transport connections, which will form the physical framework of a modern, vibrant urban fabric.
LOCATION, COUNTRY: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
PLANNING: 2013–2015